rockwood and alines bday 237

May 18                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.    –1 Corinthians 15:58 (NLT)     


Press on when you do things for the Lord

It will help you focus on God and be strong

Nothing you do for him will ever be useless

His love, mercy and provision are boundless.

Always work enthusiastically for your creator

It will bring much harvest in your life later

When you view life with a thankful attitude

You will reap wisdom, self-control and fortitude.

Do you serve the Lord with enthusiasm? You do not have to literally serve a church or do faith works to serve the Lord. Your ministry may be your own family, your co-workers, your neighbors or even strangers. Your workplace can be a venue to get people to believe in the Lord by your attitude and demeanor. When you live a life of integrity and honesty, you become a role model to others.

The bible tells us to work enthusiastically for the Lord. Nothing we do for the Lord will be useless, but every work we do that will bring glory to God will be rewarded in the end. It may not be a physical reward, but a spiritual gift or fruit of the spirit.


Lord, keep me joyful while I serve you.


Why is enthusiasm important in what you say or do?