WORK IS VANITY Poem Devotional

port elgin camping 2012 223

September 3
Has not the Lord of Heaven’s Armies promised that the wealth of nations will turn to ashes? They work so hard but all in vain. – Habakkuk 2:13(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you work to gain wealth
It isn’t beneficial for your spiritual health
It is working in vain when you do it for your gain
It is a form of idolatry instead of giving God praise.
To work for your own advantage isn’t really a treasure
It compromises your growth when you seek pleasure
To work so hard for self-seeking reason is vanity
To serve the Lord and others benefits humanity.
Our world today focuses much on performance. Each person’s value is proven by how hard they work and how much wealth they have incurred. Here in North America, people marginalize those who don’t work or those who earn money. You become worthless in the world’s standard if you don’t contribute to the country’s wealth gains. When I moved to Canada, it was difficult to continue my teaching and art careers. I was looked down by others because I didn’t earn much income as I did back in the Philippines.
The bible says that the Lord looks down on those who pursue wealth for personal gains. He said that wealth of nations will turn to ashes and the work they put on such worldly pursuits are all vain.
Lord, help me to focus on depending on you instead of proving my worth through work.
Why do you think the bible says that work can be a form of vanity?
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