YOU ARE MY MASTER! Poem Devotional elgin camping 2012 215

January 18

I said to the Lord, “You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from you.

                                                                                          Psalm 16:2 (NLT)   


A poem and essay by ILMA

I said to the Lord, “You are my Master”

You cleanse my heart to make me better

You reveal to me all your truth and decrees

You give all the good things so that I can be free.

You are the only one who knows all things

You gave your Son to redeem and make me see

My Master, my teacher, my Savior and my Lord

From the bottom of my heart, I bring you laud.

Do you know how the enemy attacks most Christians? He steals our joy and creates conflicts by perpetuating lies. He entices us to have equality with God. How do we combat the tactics of the enemy? First, we obey God’s commands; second, we forgive others and ask forgiveness for our sins; third, we speak with authority to the devil to flee. Lastly, we walk in love and seek peace.

There is another way to resist the devil. Say and request everything in His name aloud or sing praises. Declare that He is your master and every good thing you have comes from him. Lucifer used to be the head of worship. It really bugs the enemy when he hears God’s people declare his word and that He is Master.


Jesus, you are my only Master.


How often do you testify to God’s greatness?

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